
Think for yourself…Cos your worth it!

Thinking! Thinking big! Thinking through! Blue sky thinking! Here at Thinker Maker we love thinking. What’s your attitude to it? Too much effort? Too much time? However you feel about it, the world is getting complex and technological. Science is racing ahead. Values and cultures are being challenged. Which technology should society accept or reject? Is it all too much to keep up with?

Yet we believe in democracy, so you get to choose who leads us competently through all this. The trouble is many politicians claim to be competent and straight but are puppets of big business. The mainstream media is no help. Even they can lie because they’re also bought. They treat voters like children with dumbed down information and sowed confusion. As a result voters are not getting a fair say and depend on trusting ‘experts’ who have repeatedly failed. What to do? All of us must take time to dig for true information and think about it; and that takes time, which most don’t have.

So, ThinkerMakers is here to help unravel complexity and join the dots. We bring you short videos and podcasts and discussions. We believe that everyone is capable of understanding anything. It’s just a matter of presenting information clearly and in everyday familiarity. without jargon. Do let us know if you enjoy.